Errors and Omission Insurance is intended to make up for what your standard liability insurance lacks.

Errors and Omission Insurance is needed because you may be required to put yourself and the reputation of your company on the line on a daily basis.


JM’s Best Insurance knows that you as a Florida business owner, should be aware that liability means everything when it comes to insuring your company. A single bad accident could lead to the ruination of everything you’ve worked to build over the years.
While even the most prudent business owner cannot prepare for every possibility, typical liability coverage may not be enough. For this reason, many entrepreneurs choose to augment their liability policies with an Errors and Omission insurance policy.


An errors and omission insurance policy is intended to make up for what your standard liability insurance lacks. In business, you may be required to put yourself and the reputation of your company on the line on a daily basis. If one of your customers chooses to file a lawsuit based on their dissatisfaction with your service, it could be enough to sink you financially while simultaneously tarring your reputation in the community. A good E & O policy can help cover defense costs, monetary judgments, or even an expensive settlement.

Even unsuccessful lawsuits can result in significant financial losses for the company. Errors and Omission insurance can help ensure that your business in still standing after being faced with a legal battle.
[callout1]The Most Common Types of Coverage for Commercial Insurance.[/callout1]

[list_item]General Liability[/list_item]
[list_item]Commercial Property[/list_item]
[list_item]Commercial Auto[/list_item]

[list_item]Professional Liability[/list_item]
[list_item]Worker’s Compensation[/list_item]
[list_item]Additional Protection[/list_item]

[list_item]Errors & Omission Insurance[/list_item]
[list_item]Commercial Umbrella[/list_item]
[list_item]Umbrella Limits[/list_item]

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[callout font_size=”14px” style=”saffronblue”]For more information regarding Errors and Omission Insurance or to get a quote please contact us at JM’s Best Insurance.[/callout]